Tag: solution


    People often wait until “after the holidays” to make the Decision to Divorce.  Since it is such an important Decision, I have put together this post on important considerations. The Holiday Season is often followed by the decision to divorce – The Decision. Deciding to divorce is not easy.  Yet, in Massachusetts, the Decision to…

  • My Advice for Divorce Month

    By: Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Arbitrator, Mediator & Collaborative Lawyer   Divorce Month is almost here. In 2016, I saw one of the saddest, unnecessary, adversarial divorces ever. The cost in emotions, future harmony and money was enormous and unnecessary. So again, I urge everyone who is facing divorce to consider seriously staying out of…

  • Reducing the Cost of Divorce with Limited Assistance Representation (LAR)

    By: Attorney Anthony C. Adamopoulos If you are facing divorce, you may be feeling a lot of uncertainty. If you are also having financial difficulties, you may feel more uncertainty. This post is intended to provide information and resources to help you understand a different alternative when facing divorce; an alternative that may give you…

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