Wait. There Are Different Ways to Get Divorced? The major divorce process choices explained: demystifying your options.
By Ann Buscho, Ph.D. This article was posted Feb 16, 2021 at the Psychology Today Blog: : A Better Divorce. Dr. Buscho is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in family issues and issues related to divorce, parenting, parenting planning, and co-parenting counseling. It is reprinted here with permission of Dr. Buscho. Learn more at www.drannbuscho.com …
This email came to me this week. Thanks to the writer. I am happy her long journey through the Jungle of Divorce is over. Dear Anthony, I wanted to thank you for your empathy and council. Your guidance helped me navigate through a tough situation with processing my divorce. Initially I started my divorce case…
What is a Collaborative Divorce Neutral Facilitator and Why is it Cost Effective to Use One?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos-Divorce Mediator, Collaborative Divorce Attorney, & Divorce Arbitrator Are you facing divorce and feeling sad, angry, or scared? Do you stay up at night thinking “This can’t be happening” or “How am I going to manage this?” If you use Collaborative Divorce, you will not be alone because a Collaborative Divorce Neutral…
What is Collaborative Divorce?
In Collaborative Divorce, you, your spouse, your lawyers and other Collaborative Team members make up the Collaborative Team. The Team has one goal, the efficient, collaborative resolution of all issues without trial, arbitration or the threat of either. This goal is accepted at the beginning by all Collaborative Team Members. The Collaborative Team will include…
What is the Difference Between Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce?
By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Divorce Mediator, Arbitrator and Certified Collaborative Lawyer MEDIATION is an independent, voluntary, confidential process conducted by a mediator, who is neutral. Attorneys are not required. The mediator will: Assist you and your spouse in identifying those issues preventing settlement. Explore various avenues to resolution. Develop a settlement resolution acceptable to you…